Is it a fad?
When was the last time you:
Read a Newspaper (not clicked the link from social media)
Watched the commercials between shows
Looked at Billboards while riding in a car as a passenger.
Traditional marketing is still important ( print, tv, mailings, etc) but please note where your attention is and better yet - where is your ideal customers' attention?
Facebook has reached more than 1.2 billion users and is still growing.
Facebook accounts for one in every 6 minutes spent online and one in every 5 minutes spent on Mobile
88% of 18 – 29 year olds are on Facebook.
79% of 30 – 49 year olds are on Facebook.
61% of 50 – 64 year olds are on Facebook.
65.8% of US Companies use Twitter for marketing purposes
74% of Twitter users follow businesses/brands to get product updates.
42% of Twitter users use the site daily.
There are 8 million registered businesses using Instagram business profiles.
In March 2017, over 120 million users visited a website, got directions, called, emailed, or direct messaged to learn about a business based on an Instagram ad.
59% of 18 – 29 year olds use Instagram.
31% of 30 – 49 year olds use Instagram.
13% of 50 – 64 year olds use Instagram.
Are you prioritizing Social Media? Is it important in your marketing budget?
More than half of small businesses in the United States are planning to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2017, and the number of businesses using social media marketing has increased, year over year, for more than a decade.
If you personally love social media then jump out there and brand your business - the best way to learn is to be a practioner.
Want to speak with us concerning your company and marketing efforts - Please contact us, we would love to set up a consultation. Our services range from 1 on 1 training, to complete marketing managment and everything in between!
“Social Media Strategy isn't rocket science...but it might as well be if you don't know what you're doing.”
― Sherree Mongrain